Posted by 小拳头 on Monday, May 31, 2021

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to design web pages using a markup language. HTML is the combination of Hypertext and Markup language. Hypertext defines the link between the web pages. A markup language is used to define the text document within tag which defines the structure of web pages. This language is used to annotate (make notes for the computer) text so that a machine can understand it and manipulate text accordingly. Most markup languages (e.g. HTML) are human-readable. The language uses tags to define what manipulation has to be done on the text.


<!-- DOCTYPE: 告诉浏览器规范(可省略) -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<!-- 头 -->
    <!-- 描述标签 -->
    <!-- 做SEO -->
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="keywords" content="First html">
    <meta name="description" charset="learning html">
    <!-- 标题 -->

<!-- 主体 -->
    Hello world!


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="" xmlns=""
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Basic Tag</title>

<!-- 标题标签 -->

<!-- 段落标签 -->
<p>Twinkle, twinkle, little star</p>
<p>How I wonder what you are</p>
<p>Up above the world so high</p>

<!-- 水平线标签 -->

<!-- 换行标签 -->
Like a diamond in the sky</br>
Twinkle, twinkle little star</br>
How I wonder what you are</br>

<!-- 粗体, 斜体 -->





<img src="../resources/image/avator.jpeg" alt="name" title="悬停文字" width="100" height="100">
<a name="top">top</a>
herf: 必填, 跳转哪个页面
target: 窗口哪里打开
  _blank: 新网页打开
  _self: 自己网页打开
<a href="1.firstwebpage.html" target="_blank">clinkme1</a></br>
<a href="">clinkme2</a>

<a href="1.firstwebpage.html">
  <img src="../resources/image/avator.jpeg" alt="name" title="悬停文字" width="100" height="100">

<a href="2.basicTag.html#top">to top</a>

<!--邮件标签, 各种联系方式功能标签可以直接到对应厂的网站上下-->
<a href="">send mail</a>
  • 块元素: p, h1-h6
  • 行内元素: a, strong




dl: 标签
dt: 标题
dd: 内容
行: tr
列: td
<table border="1px">
    <!--colspan 跨列-->
    <td colspan="3">1-1</td>

    <!--rowspan 跨行-->
    <td rowspan="2">2-1</td>



controls: 控制条
autoplay: 自动播放
<video src="" controls autoplay></video>
<audio src="" controls autoplay></audio>
  • header
  • footer
  • section
  • article
  • aside: 侧边栏
  • nav
<iframe src="//" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" allowfullscreen="true"> </iframe>

<!--test, 发现google不能内嵌-->
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="300px" height="300px"></iframe>

<iframe src="" name="hello">width="300px" height="300px"</iframe>
<a href="" target="hello">点击跳转</a>


<form action="1.firstwebpage.html" method="get">
  <p>name: <input type="text" name="username" value="init" maxlength="8" size="30"></p>
  <p>password: <input type="password" name="pwd"></p>
  <input type="submit">
  <input type="reset">
  <p>gender单选框: <!--name表示一个组-->
    <input type="radio" value="boy" name="gender">male
    <input type="radio" value="girl" name="gender">female

    <input type="checkbox" value="code" name="hobby" checked>code
    <input type="checkbox" value="eat" name="hobby">eat
    <input type="checkbox" value="sleep" name="hobby">sleep

    <input type="button" name="btn1" value="longer">
    <input type="image" name="btn2" src="../resources/image/avator.jpeg">

    <select name="list name">
      <option value="value">China</option>
      <option value="value" selected>US</option>
      <option value="value">UK</option>

    <textarea name="textarea" cols="50" rows="10">content</textarea>

    <input type="file" name="files">
    <input type="button" value="upload" name="upload">

    邮箱: <input type="email" name=""email>
    url: <input type="url" name=""url>
    number: <input type="number" name="num" max="100" min="0" step="10">

    <input type="range" name="voice" min="0" max="100" step="2">

    <input type="search" name="search">


  • readonly: 只读
  • disable: 禁用
  • hiddle: 隐藏, 可以配合value使输入保持默认值
  • placeholder="": 提示信息
  • required: 必填
  • pattern: 正则判断


  1. HTML5完整教学通俗易懂-狂神说Java

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